
Journal Articles

  1. Using workplace thriving theory to investigate first-year engineering students' abilities to thrive during the transition to online learning due to COVID-19

  2. Crossing cultural borders: A case study of conceptual design outcomes of US and Moroccan student samples.

  3. Lost in Translation: Examining the Complex Relationship Between Prototyping and Communication

  4. Deriving Effective Decision-Making Strategies of Prosthetists: Using Hidden Markov Modeling and Qualitative Analysis to Compare Experts and Novices

  5. A Query Conundrum: The Mental Challenges of Using a Cognitive Assistant

  6. Assessing Engineering Design: A Comparison of the Effect of Exams and Design Practica on First-Year Students’ Design Self-Efficacy

  7. Between Worlds: Exploring the links between the tangible and intangible costs of prototypes

  8. Simulating cyber-physical systems: Identifying vulnerabilities for design and manufacturing through simulated additive manufacturing environments

  9. Opening the black box: Developing metrics to assess the cognitive processes of prototyping

  10. Detection of System Compromise in Additive Manufacturing Using Video Motion Magnification

  11. The Prototyping Behaviors of Startups: Exploring the Relationship Between Prototyping Behaviors and Startup Strategies

  12. Broadening participation in learning factories through industry 4.0

  13. The role of digital prototyping tools in learning factories

  14. The prototype for X framework: assessing impact on self-reported prototyping behavior of student designers

  15. When are designers willing to take risks? How concept creativity and prototype fidelity influence perceived risk

  16. Pulling at the digital thread: Exploring the tolerance stack up between automatic procedures and expert strategies in scan to print processes

  17. Exploring the effects of cognitive style diversity and self-efficacy beliefs on final design attributes in student design teams

  18. The prototype for X framework: exploring the effects of a structured prototyping framework on functional prototypes

  19. Prototype for X (PFX): A holistic framework for structuring prototyping methods to support engineering design

  20. The Characteristics of Engineering Innovativeness: A Cognitive Mapping and Review of Instruments

Conference Papers

  1. When the going gets tough: Exploring changes in the startup landscape due to the challenges of 2020

  2. Novice designers use of prototypes as communication tools

  3. Developing an Evidence-Based Clinical Decision-Support System to Enhance Prosthetic Prescription

  4. Simulating the Effects of Anthropometry on the Contralateral Limb of Transtibial Amputees

  5. Portable Gait Analysis System with an Integration of Kinect sensor and Inertial Measurement Units

  6. Developing Training Tools for Clinicians in LICs: A Qualitative Investigation of the Patient Factors That Influence Prosthetic Prescription

  7. Creating a Design for Inspectability Framework: Investigating DfAM Heuristics for Inspection Technologies

  8. Comparison of Exams and Design Practica for Assessment in First Year Engineering Design Courses

  9. Can Design Teams Be Empathically Creative? A Simulation-Based Investigation on the Role of Team Empathy on Concept Generation and Selection

  10. Developing Training Tools for Clinicians in LICs: Using Hidden Markov Modeling to Study the Decision-Making Strategies of Expert and Novice Prosthetists

  11. Comparing Attribute-and Form-Based Machine Learning Techniques for Component Prediction

  12. Analyzing the Characteristics of Cognitive-Assistant-Facilitated Ideation Groups

  13. Investigating the Relationship Between Digital Prototyping Tool Use and Student Designers’ Perceptions of Design Processes

  14. The Value of Prototyping: An Investigation of the Relationship Between the Costs of Prototyping, Perceived Value, and Design Outcome

  15. Comparing Student and Sponsor Perceptions of Interdisciplinary Teams’ Capstone Performance

  16. Does It Translate? A Case Study of Conceptual Design Outcomes With US and Moroccan Students

  17. Roughing It: Evaluating a Novel Experiential Design Course on Resiliency, Self-Leadership, and Engineering Design Self-Efficacy

  18. BUILDing a community of female makers through hands-on experiences in a university MakerSpace

  19. Evaluating Idea Quantity and Variety When Using Digital Collaboration Tools to Support Brainstorming in Non-Collocated Teams

  20. Archie: An automated data collection method for physical prototyping efforts in authentic design situations

  21. Decision-Making in the Prescription of Orthotics and Prosthetics for Partial-Foot Amputees

  22. The prototyping behaviors of startups: Exploring the relationship between prototyping behavior and the financial success of startups

  23. Critical Thinking in the Design Classroom: An Analysis of Student Design Reflections

  24. Assessing the impact of cognitive assistants on mental workload in simple tasks

  25. On the Analysis of a Compromised Additive Manufacturing System Using Spatio-Temporal Decomposition

  26. Creation and Implementation of a Project Framework to Improve Cornerstone Engineering Design

  27. Prototyping canvas: Design tool for planning purposeful prototypes

  28. Towards an Ontology of Cognitive Assistants

  29. Pulling at the Digital Thread: Exploring the Tolerance Stack Up in Scan to Print Processes

  30. “Thus, I Had to Go With What I Had”: A Multiple Methods Exploration of Novice Designers’ Articulation of Prototyping Decisions

  31. Evaluating the discriminatory value and reliability of ideation metrics for their application to concept development and prototyping

  32. The Prototype for X (PFX) framework: assessing the impact of PFX on desirability, feasibility, and viability of end Designs